App D-evolut
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Integrated Returns Management (GIDE)
Full check-up + action plan
What We Offer
App D-evolut
Your Returns under control
The D-evolut App will give you a quick overview of the impacts that each return produces on your business margin, on the environment and how competitive you continue to be in the market, enabling your ability to make a decision on the return aligned with your strategy business.

What We Offer
Integrated Returns Management (GIDE)
Your returns in the right direction
The check-up and an action plan to convert your returns into money through the Integrated Management of Returns will put you on the right course to become more competitive and environmentally correct.

years of international experience
Specialists in Logistics and Supply Chain Management (SCM)
Professional and academic engagement with global leaders in SCM

Design, Planning and Management of Supply Chains aligned with the Business Strategy.

Support to achieve your business objectives by designing and optimizing an efficient, environmentally correct and competitive reverse logistics strategy.

Design, Planning and Management of Circular Supply Chains.

Control Panels (Dashboards) and Traceability
We want you to appear hear soon

Our team

Manuel A. Albornoz
CEO, Logistics and SCM Specialist
Born in Santiago de Chile, he has recognized international experience in public (MTT), private (Steer, Mott McDonald) and international organizations (IDB) positions. Master in Transportation Engineering from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and Master in Logistics and Supply Chain Management from Cranfield University (United Kingdom). He currently directs and teaches Pontificia Universidad Católica (PUC) Professional Education Logistics Engineering Diploma and is Professor of Supply Management in the PUC’s Executive Class Diploma in Inventory Control and Supply Chain Management. Awarded with the prestigious Chevening Scholarship by the FCO of the British Government given to professionals with global leadership potential for postgraduate study in the UK.

Thales L. Aquino
UX Director, Specialist in Strategic Design of Digital Services
Originally from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, he has more than 18 years of experience in the design of personalized services, the creation and positioning of brands and corporate image, collaborative work and communication. He is currently pursuing a PhD in Design Theory, Information, Society and History at ESDL /UERJ (Rio de Janeiro) and holds a Master's degree in Strategic Design from the Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City. The Mexican Government granted him a scholarship to carry out postgraduate studies in Mexico completed with unanimous distinction.
Latest News
Tendencias en el campo de la logística, SCM y mercados.

El auge del comercio electrónico ha generado un aumento exponencial de las compras online, wn 2022, las ventas minoristas de comercio electrónico en todo el mundo superarán los 5 billones de dólares.

Manuel A. Albornoz
A medida que se acerca la Navidad y el 2022, los transportistas, gerentes de logística, así como importadores y exportadores, están lidiando con un mercado de transporte sin precedentes.
La logística de última milla se ha vuelto cada vez más compleja debido a un creciente enfoque en satisfacer la expectativa del cliente mediante diferentes canales (omnicanalidad).
La entrega de última milla es el viaje de un producto desde el estante de la bodega hasta la parte trasera de un camión y hasta la puerta del cliente.
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We are specialists in logistics and supply chain management
+56 9 9694-2980